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Specific regulatory requirements

The requirements upon S4C include ensuring that S4C's television and on-demand programme services comply with the requirements of the:

  • the Ofcom Broadcasting Code;
  • the Code on Television Access Services;
  • the Code on the Scheduling of Television Advertising;
  • the Cross-promotion Code;
  • the Code of Practice on Electronic Programme Guides;
  • the Code on Sports and Other Listed and Designated Events;
  • Section 368Q of the Communications Act 2003, and (to the extent that such rules are relevant to S4C), Ofcom's on-demand programme service rules; and
  • Ofcom's rules on Party Political and Referendum Broadcasts.

In addition, S4C is required to comply with a range of requirements including:

  • Complying with the statutory provisions relating to the provision of information by S4C to Ofcom;
  • Presenting an annual Statement of Programme Policy and an annual review of the policy to Ofcom;
  • Complying with relevant quotas set by Ofcom relating to Original Programming, News and Current Affairs programming and access services (such as subtitles, audio description and signing);
  • Presenting S4C's draft Code of Practice for Programme Commissioning for Ofcom's approval;
  • Publicising Ofcom's functions in relation to the S4C television service, including procedures established by Ofcom or S4C for the handling and resolution of complaints about the S4C television service;
  • Complying with directions given by Ofcom if S4C has failed to comply with its regulatory requirements; and
  • To pay financial penalties to Ofcom for breaches of the requirements of the Ofcom Broadcasting Code and other quota requirements up to the amount of £250,000.

Further detailed information relating to these requirements can be found in Schedule 12 of the Communications Act 2003 on the legislation.gov.uk website.

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