Rhubarb and ginger bakewell
- 250g demerara sugar
- 250g almonds
- 250g butter
- 50g plain flour
- 3 eggs
- 1 fresh ginger
- 500g rhubarb
- 2 gingerbread biscuits
- 50g fluffy almonds
- custard
- Mix together the butter, sugar, almonds, flour and eggs to form a "frangipane".
- Grate ginger into the mixture.
- Place the biscuits in a cupcakes mold.
- Set the frangipane on top, ½ way.
- Toss half of the rhubarb and place in the center of the cake.
- Lay more on top.
- Cut the rest of the rhubarb into batons, and place them on top of the bakewells.
- Top with fluffy almonds.
- Bake for about 25 to 30 minutes.
Recipe by Shane James, originally featured on Prynhawn Da.
How to cook
Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi feddwl am yr amgylchedd cyn i chi brintio.
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