

Cegin S4C

​Bara brith soufflé


  • 180g whites
  • 35g caster Sugar
  • 100g bara brith
  • 40g whiskey
  • soft butter for brushing
  • golden granulated sugar for coating


  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C.
  2. Start by brushing 2 ramekins with soft butter, brushing upwards in the direction the souffle will rise. Fill one ramekin with golden granulated sugar and pour into the second ramekin whilst coating all sides. Place in the fridge until needed.
  3. Warm the Bara Brith up gently in the oven or microwave. Once warm, blend the Bara Brith with the whiskey until if becomes a thick paste. Set aside.
  4. In a standing mixer, add the egg whites with a third of the caster sugar and begin to whisk on a high speed. Add the remaining sugar gradually and whip the whites become a stiff meringue.
  5. Take a spoonful of the meringue and beat it into the Bara Brith paste. Gently fold the remaining whites into the paste, a third at a time.
  6. Once combined, place in a piping bag and pipe the ramekins full of the mixture, ensuring the mixture fills each corner of the ramekin. Even the ramekins with a small step palate knife and run your thumb around the edge of the rim so the souffle does not stick when it rises.
  7. Place the ramekins in the hot oven and close the door gently. Bring the temperature down to 180°C immediately once the door closes. Bake for 14 minutes.

Ingredients for the Worther's Original sauce

  • 100g Worther's Sweets
  • 100g Whipping Cream

Method for the Sauce

  1. Melt the sweets gently in a pan.
  2. Heat the cream gently in a pan and slowly add to the liquid toffee sweets.
  3. Add a pinch of sea salt and blend well using an immersion hand-held blender.

Originally featured on Anrhegion Melys Richard Holt.

Recipe by Richard Holt.

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