Raspberry and white chocolate biscuits
- 125g unsalted butter
- 125g caster sugar
- 85g condensed milk
- 175g self-raising flour
- chocolate
- a punnet of raspberries
- Wash your hands & preheat the oven to 180°c
- In a large bowl, cream the butter and sugar until pale & stir in the condensed milk
- Sift the flour and then work into a soft dough with your hands
- Mix in the chocolate.& take a small handful of dough and flatten with your fingers
- Place 2-3 raspberries into the centre of the cookie & place onto a lined baking tray
- Bake for 15-18 minutes or until golden at the edges (but still a bit soft)
- Leave to cool slightly before transferring to a cooling rack.
Recipe by Lisa Fearn, originally featured on Prynhawn Da.
Instagram: @lisafearncooks
Twitter: @lisaannefearn
Prynhawn Da recipes
How to cook
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