

Dysgu Cymraeg

New content for you

It's important to note that all S4C's content is for you – everything you watch will help you on your learning journey. So go ahead and watch anything that you're interested in, using the information on this website to support you.

Having said that, some or our content is created with learners in mind. That could mean:

  • Language that matches the pictures to help you to understand the context.
  • Content that discusses the subjects in your courses.
  • Experiences of people who are learning Welsh on the screen.
  • Presenters who have learned Welsh themselves.
  • Simpler language, with clearer pronunciation.
  • Additional content on social media to go with a programme on the television.

Here are some of our new programmes for you

  • Y Sîn | (The Scene)

    Y Sîn | (The Scene)

    Available on S4C Clic and BBC iPlayer

    We have got a new programme with two people who have won prizes for learning Welsh. Francesca Sciarrillo won the Learners' Medal in the Urdd Eisteddfod in 2019, and Joe Healy won the Learner of the Year prize in the National Eisteddfod in 2022.

    Both of them are passionate about the language and also about the arts. In this new series they meet people all over Wales who are making exciting new art of all kinds.

    Originally from Flintshire, Francesca speaks northern Welsh, with a north-eastern accent, and Joe is from London and speaks southern Welsh with a Cardiff accent.

  • Cais Quinnell | (Quinnell’s Try)

    Cais Quinnell | (Quinnell’s Try)

    Available on S4C Clic and BBC iPlayer

    Scott Quinnell was on our programme Iaith ar Daith (Language on Tour) back in 2020, when he took is first steps in learning Welsh. He is a former rugby player and has regretted the fact that he didn't learn Welsh when he was younger. Since that programme, Scott has carried on learning Welsh and practising as often as possible.

    In this new series, Scott goes on tour again, but on his own this time. He goes around Wales meeting new people, and trying to use his Welsh to do lots of different new things – some of them are very different!

    Scott speaks southern Welsh, with an accent like people from Carmarthenshire.

Newsletter archive

Every month we send out a Dysgu Cymraeg S4C newsletter, with news about our content as well as useful information. You can find the old newsletters here. If you haven't registered for the newsletter yet, it's quick and easy to do that here:

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