

Voting Terms and Conditions
Cân i Gymru 2025

1. Key terms

a) "The programme" – Cân i Gymru 2025, a live broadcast on S4C television, Clic and BBC iPlayer scheduled for Friday, 28 February 2025, at 8 pm.

b) "The broadcaster" – S4C

c) "The production company" – Afanti Media Limited

d) "The voting period" - the designated times during which the voting service will be accessible. This period will be announced during the live broadcast of the programme.

e) "The Can i Gymru 2025 voting service" – a web based interactive voting system with two step verification.

f) "Online" – refers to internet connectivity via domestic broadband, wireless connection or mobile data.

2. General

a) By using the Can i Gymru 2025 voting service you agree to abide by the terms and conditions set out below.

b) You must have a valid email address that you can access during the voting period to use the Can i Gymru 2025 voting service.

c) Only votes cast during the voting period will be deemed valid.

3. How to access the voting system

a) The voting service for Cân i Gymru 2025 is a web based interactive voting system provided by Tectonic Interactive Limited.

b) You can use a computer, tablet or smart phone to access the service.

c) To use the service, you will need a domestic broadband connection, wireless connection or a mobile data connection to the world wide web.

d) A web address and link will be made known on the programme at the time of transmission.

e) For smart phone users, a QR code which will direct you to the website will also be available on screen during the transmission of the programme.

4. How to vote

a) Go to the Cân i Gymru homepage (s4c.cymru/canigymru) and click on 'Vote here'

b) On the front page of the voting system, you will see a series of boxes containing the titles of the eight songs in the competition with images of the composers attached.

c) When the voting period is declared "open" during the programme, simply click on your preferred choice for the winner of Can i Gymru 2025, then press 'next' at the bottom of the page.

d) Next you will the see an authentication page where you will be required to verify your vote by entering your name, postcode and most importantly email address. You will also be asked to accept the terms and conditions below, confirm you are over 13 years of age, and that you are not a robot.

Click on 'Confirm' to proceed to the next step in the process.

e) You will receive a message on the next page asking you to check the inbox of your email for a message from Cân i Gymru.

f) The email from Cân i Gymru will ask you to verify your email address and your vote by clicking on a link labelled "Click here to verify your email address and validate your vote". Your vote will not be accepted until you verify your email address by clicking on this link. If you don't receive a verification email in your inbox, check your spam or junk mail folders

g) If verification is successful, you will be redirected to the website where a confirmation that your vote has been accepted will appear.

5. Conditions

a) All participants must be 13 years of age or over and resident in the United Kingdom.

b) All participants must have a valid and accessible email address

c) The voting service is limited to ONE vote per email address submitted.

d) The voting service is FREE of charge but requires an active internet connection.

e) All displayed fields of the confirmation page must be completed before a vote can be submitted.

f) The link in the authentication email must be clicked in order to register the vote.

g) Votes will only be counted when the voting period is open, as specified in the programme. Any votes received before or after this time will not be counted. Any votes received before the voting period is open may count as your one allocated vote and may prevent you from voting when the voting period is open.

h) Employees of Tectonic Interactive, Afanti Media Limited and S4C are not permitted to vote in this competition.

6. The Legal Bit

a) Neither the broadcaster, nor the production company can be held liable or responsible for any interruptions or disruptions to the provision of internet services during the course of the voting period which occur outside the parameters of their control, or for the loss of any votes cast during the voting period as a result of said events.

b) The production company will take all reasonable steps to ensure that internet services and communications at the source of transmission are robust and fit for purpose, and with adequate resilience for the purposes of receiving the results of the vote during the voting period, and that the broadcaster is satisfied that such arrangements indemnify both parties against any loss of votes cast during the voting period.

c) In the event of a system failure during the voting period that can be reasonably communicated to the broadcaster within the context of a live transmission, an announcement will be made live on-air informing the audience of the problem and how the broadcaster intends to proceed with the competition.

d) In the event of such a failure the decision of how to proceed with the selection of a winner of Can i Gymru 2025 will be at the sole discretion of the broadcaster and enacted by their agents, the production company.

e) In the event of any disputes, the broadcaster's decision will be final and binding on all parties.

f) These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales.

7. Privacy and data protection

Afanti will only use the personal data collected in the online voting form for the purposes of this vote.

Please click here for Afanti Media Ltd's data protection and privacy policy.

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