

'Carol yr Ŵyl 2024' Competition Terms and Conditions

1. The following are terms and conditions for competitions run by Tinopolis' daily programmes Heno and Prynhawn Da. By taking part in any of these competitions you agree to be bound by all relevant Terms.

2. If there are differences between these Tinopolis Standard Competition Terms and the individual Competition Notice, the terms of the Competition Notice will prevail.

3. Unless otherwise noted in the Competition Notice, Competitions are organised and promoted by Heno or Prynhawn Da, both programmes of Tinopolis, Park Street, Llanelli, SA15 3YE ("Tinopolis") and any queries or complaints about Competitions should be addressed in the first instance to Tinopolis at the above address, and in second instance via Gwifren Gwylwyr S4C, 0870 600 4141. (Calls will not be charged at a rate higher than the national rate for 01 or 02 numbers.)

4. The competition is open to choirs/vocal ensembles in all primary schools in Wales and to Welsh medium schools outside of Wales. Schools are asked to compose a Carol or Christmas song (words and music) that is no longer than 3 minutes long. Professional composers should not be used unless they are teachers. Choirs of up to 50 can compete, and any number of accompanists can be used. Schools are responsible for organising the necessary permission to compete from parents/guardians and a filming consent form will need to be signed by all parents/guardians prior to any filming.

5. Additional eligibility requirements may be set out in the Competition Notice.

6. A fee of £100 will be paid to all choirs filmed as part of the shortlist. The winning choir will receive a payment of £200 and the competition trophy.

7. To be eligible for the competition competitors must send a recording of their carol/song and a copy of the words by email to prynhawnda@tinopolis.com OR to Carol Yr Ŵyl, Canolfan Tinopolis, Park Street, Llanelli, SA15 3YE.

8. Each application must be submitted according to the rules and regulations of the competition. Applications received otherwise will not be accepted.

9. The competition will run from 14.00 on 08 September 2024 until the closing date of 18.00 on 25 October 2024.

10. Applications received after the closing date and time will not be included in the competition.

11. The competition will be judged by two independent adjudicators,. The judges will receive all the applications after the closing date and will choose a short list of 10. The adjudicators will not be given details of competitors during this process to be fair on all applicants. Judging will be done on the merit of the carol/song alone.

12. The decision of the judges about the shortlist and winner will be final. No feedback or written adjudication will be available.

13. 10 videos of the choirs on the shortlist will be produced and will be shown on Prynhawn Da and as part of a special programme/programmes during December 2024.

14. The judges will announce the winners on the hour-long programme on S4C.

15. The winning choir will also be shown on 'Heno' after the announcement on Prynhawn Da.

16. Each school can compete only once. Where it is apparent that a school has entered a competition multiple times and only one entry is permitted under the Terms, only one of the school's entries will be counted in the Competition.

17. The members of all choirs must be within primary age and must have obtained parental consent to take part in the Competition and to receive the prize. Tinopolis reserves the right to verify that such consent has been given before announcing the winner.

18. Tinopolis and S4C reserve the right to change these rules and regulations and to cancel or adapt the competition at any time as a result of reasons beyond their control.

19. In the case of any dispute regarding the Terms, the prize, the result or any other issue relating to a Competition, Tinopolis' decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

20. By entering a Competition, competitors agree, confirm and warrant that:

I. all information provided by you to Tinopolis is correct, current and complete and that you meet all eligibility criteria for the Competition;

II. if you win the Competition, Tinopolis and S4C can use your name and photograph for publicity purposes;

III. Tinopolis and S4C (and any third parties authorised by Tinopolis or S4C) may use the entry across its Services and on any media (including but not limited to third party websites, mobile, television and/or radio). For this purpose, you hereby grant Tinopolis and S4C (and third parties authorised by Tinopolis or S4C) a non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty free licence (for the full period of any rights in the entry) to use, display, publish, transmit, copy, make derivative works or podcasts from, edit, alter, store, re-format, use as part of any advertising or sponsorship campaign, sell and sub-licence the entry;

IV. your entry and any information submitted by you is personal to you;

V. your entry and all information which you submit and/or distribute will not infringe the intellectual property, privacy or any other rights of any third party, and will not contain anything which is libellous, defamatory, obscene, indecent, harassing or threatening; and

VI. you have permission to use or feature any people, content or other material contained within your entry.

VII. Agree to be bound by these rules and regulations.

VIII. Agree that it they reach the shortlist S4C can use their video for the purpose of marketing on television or on social media, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube.

21. Tinopolis and S4C reserve the right to ask for written information about the composer of the words or music.

22. Tinopolis reserves the right to verify the eligibility of all entrants to take part in a Competition, including the right to request written proof of age of the winners. Tinopolis may disqualify an entrant who refuses or does not supply such information on request and can disqualify any entrant if it has reasonable grounds to believe the entrant has breached any of the Terms.

23. In the event that a Competition winner is subsequently disqualified from a Competition for any reason, Tinopolis, in its sole discretion, may award the prize to a runner up, selected in accordance with the Competition criteria.

24. Proof of emailing cannot be accepted as proof of delivery. Tinopolis takes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect or delay in any communication method used by entrants, entries that have not been received before the closing date or for the theft, destruction, alteration of or unauthorised access to entries, or entries lost, damaged or delayed as a result of server functions, technical issues, virus, bugs or other causes outside Tinopolis' control.

25. Tinopolis does not accept responsibility for the safekeeping or return of any entries. You should ensure that you retain a copy of your entry for your own records.

26. The prize is final and cannot be exchanged or transferred.

27. Tinopolis and S4C reserves the right to publish the winner's name and county of residence on the Tinopolis production and S4C websites for 21 days. This information will also be available following the closing date by telephoning Tinopolis on 01554 880880 (Calls will not be charged at a rate higher than the national rate for 01 or 02 numbers) or by writing to the Tinopolis production team, Tinopolis, Park Street, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, SA15 3YE, noting the Competition you are enquiring after and including a self-addressed stamped envelope.

28. All taxes, insurances, travel arrangements, spending money and other costs and expenses (including food and personal expenses) are the sole responsibility of the winner unless otherwise stated in the Competition Notice.

29. Tinopolis does not, unless noted in the Competition Notice, claim any rights of ownership in your entry. As such, you retain ownership of your entry and will be able to use it in any way you choose. Tinopolis will be able to use your entry as set out in the Competition Notice, if one has been posted. If Tinopolis are intending to take ownership of your entry, this will be specified in the Competition Notice and you will then be able to choose whether to enter the Competition.

30. Tinopolis does not guarantee to use any entry. Tinopolis may also, in appropriate circumstances, and at its sole discretion, reject, edit, remove or disable access to entries that it considers may be legally or otherwise problematic.

31. Tinopolis excludes any liability to the full extent permitted by law for any loss, damage, injury or disappointment suffered by any entrant arising from his or her entry into the Competition.

32. When competitions are run by Tinopolis or S4C using Facebook and/or Instagram (or any other Social Media platform), entrants acknowledge that the competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by or associated with Facebook and/or Instagram and entrants release Facebook and/or Instagram from any liability arising in connection with them taking part in the competition.

33. Tinopolis and S4C will not share or use the entrants personal information for any purpose other than the administration of this competition. Personal data will be stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679.

34. As part of entering this competition you understand that we will collect, hold and process personal information relating to you and your competition contribution, in accordance with our privacy notice at as set out here http://www.tinopolis.com/privacy-notice/ . Depending on the nature of the competition this may include sensitive personal data. We will use your personal information for administration, insurance and management purposes of the competition, and to comply with our legal obligations to keep certain records. We may also use your personal information to carry out reasonable background checks (again depending on the nature of the Competition) to comply with our regulatory responsibilities and verify the information you provide to us.

35. We will process your personal information in order to fulfil our contractual obligations to you as a competitor, to comply with our legal obligations and where it is necessary in our legitimate interests to do so. Our legitimate interests include ensuring that all competition contributions are suitable for the Programme and that the Programme meets our standards and complies with all our legal obligations.

36. We may make your information available to our advisors, assignees, licensees, regulatory authorities, broadcast partner and others as required by law. We may transfer your personal information outside the European Economic Area where it is necessary for us to do so. If at any time your personal details change during the course of the competition please contact us so that we may update your records.

37. Full terms & conditions for S4C competitions are available at http://www.s4c.cymru/en/about-this-site/page/16772/competition-terms-and-conditions/ as well as more information about how we use your personal information is contained in our privacy notice at http://www.tinopolis.com/privacy-notice/ .

38. Tinopolis and S4C will not accept responsibility for any mistakes or delays made by competitors when competing. Tinopolis and S4C will not be responsible for entries made after the closing date or time.

39. Tinopolis and S4C excludes liability to the full extent permitted by law for any loss, damage, injury or disappointment suffered by any entrant arising from his or her entry into the competition, or occurring to the winner arising from his or her acceptance of the prize.

40. All Competitions and the Terms are subject to the laws of England and Wales and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

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