

Richard Holt: Yr Academi Felys

Wagon Wheel



  • 100g butter
  • 50g sugar
  • 150g flour
  • Dark Siocled

Strawberry Filling

  • 200g strawberries

Lemon Marshmallow

  • 6 gelatine leaves
  • 75g egg whites
  • 100ml lemon juice
  • 250g caster sugar
  • 40g liquid glucose



  1. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius.
  2. Cream the butter and sugar together on a low-speed mixer fitted with a paddle attachment.
  3. Sift the flour and gradually add to the creamed butter and sugar. Once combined, use the heat from your hands to bring it together until firm but crumbly.
  4. Roll the dough between two sheets of baking parchment or silicone mats, prick with a fork then bake in the oven for 10 minutes.
  5. Once cooked, quickly cut out circles of the shortbread whilst still hot (to avoid it setting too hard and cracking) and allow to cool on a rack.
  6. Once cooled, brush one side of each disc with dark Siocled, so that the strawberry puree doesn't make it soggy when the wagon wheel is assembled.

Coat Mould in Siocled

  1. Temper Dark Siocled.
  2. Pour into the mould and coat the inside entirely before pouring the excess Siocled out.
  3. Allow to set.

Prepare the Strawberry Filling

  1. Wash and destalk all the strawberries.
  2. Dice half the strawberries and blend the other half into a fine puree.
  3. Combine the diced strawberry and puree and set aside.

Lemon Marshmallow

  1. Add the gelatine leaves to a bowl of iced water and allow to bloom. Once bloomed, squeeze the excess water out and put to the side.
  2. Pour the egg whites into a standing mixer fitted with a whisk attachment. In a pan, add the lemon juice, caster sugar and liquid glucose and bring to the boil. Continue to boil until the mixture reaches 116*C on a thermometer.
  3. Start whisking the egg whites on full speed whilst gradually and carefully pouring the hot syrup down the side of the bowl, making sure you do not pour it on the whisk itself (to avoid hot syrup spraying everywhere).
  4. Once all the syrup has been added, pause the mixer and add the gelatine. Turn the mixer back on a slow speed until the gelatine dissolves completely, then turn up the speed to high again.
  5. Whisk until the marshmallow looks stiff. Transfer to piping bag fitted with a round nozzle.

Assemble Biscuit

  1. Place a disc of biscuit into the Siocled-coated wheel mould
  2. Pipe lemon marshmallow around the side, leaving a little hole in the middle.
  3. Spoon the strawberry filling into the hole.
  4. Finish by placing another disc of biscuit on top.
  5. Transfer to the freezer and leave for a few hours.

Finish Wheel

  1. Remove wheel from mould.
  2. Place a protective disc of acetate on the alloy part of the wheel.
  3. Spray the tyre with black cocoa butter for a textured effect.
  4. Remove the protective disc and brush the alloy with silver shimmer powder.
  5. Place the wheel on top of the bonnet.
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