

Richard Holt: Yr Academi Felys

Mari Lois Evans,
20, Botwnnog

Originally from Pen Llŷn, Mari is in her third year of studying a degree in Primary Education at Bangor University. She currently lives at home with her parents, Carys and Carwyn, and younger sisters Alaw ac Elan. 'I also have a boyfriend, Tomos!'

Mari started baking at a young age with her grandmother, who babysat while mum Carys was at work. She then went on to study Food and Nutrition in her teens, achieving an A grade at GCSE level, and has since established her own cake business, @cecs_marilois. Mari applied for the Academy in the hope of 'developing skills, meeting people with similar hobbies and learning from an industry expert instead of just watching YouTube videos at home by myself!'

Organised, chatty ('I could honestly speak for Wales'), and always down for some fun, the student - who describes herself as being 'scared of EVERYTHING', enjoys 'socialising, rallying, shopping, cooking and having a laugh'!

TRIVIA: 'I had a sheep called Lowri who loved Digestive biscuits - everyone knew her! When I was younger I was actually left-handed, until my dad made me change to my right….'

DREAM DINNER GUESTS: 'Elin Fflur, Betsan Ceiriog and 'anyone who's up for a laugh!'

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