

Richard Holt: Yr Academi Felys

Gold Bouillon

Time: 40 minutes


  • Tempered chocolate
  • Lavabread caramel
  • Rum ganache


  • Medium Saucepan
  • Small Saucepan
  • Wooden Spoon/Heat Proof Spatula
  • Silicone Moulds
  • Hand Blender
  • Mixing Bowls

Caramel Ingredients:

  • 180g Sugar
  • 135g Glucose
  • 20g Water
  • 300g Whipping cream
  • 45g Butter
  • 45g Laverbread
  • 5g Salt


  1. Add the sugar, glucose and water to heavy-based medium pan and turn up the heat to medium-high.
  2. Heat up the whipping cream gently in another pan, be careful not to boil.
  3. Cook the sugar mixture until golden/dark brown whilst stirring occasionally.
  4. Turn off the heat and carefully add the cream to the caramel little by little, stirring constantly.
  5. Add the salt, laverbread and butter.
  6. Blend thoroughly using a hand blender.
  7. Pass through a sieve and chill over ice.

Ingredients for Rum Ganache:

  • 250g Dark Chocolate
  • 180g Whipping Cream
  • 70ml Rum
  • 30g Butter


  1. Bring the cream to the boil and pour over the chocolate. Stir well.
  2. Add the butter and emulsify using a hand blender.
  3. Finally, add the rum and blend until smooth.
  4. Allow to cool before piping.


  1. Temper chocolate and coat mould.
  2. Pipe the caramel in the bar, followed by the ganache.
  3. Temper more chocolate to seal.
  4. Cover with sheets of gold.
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