The details of the following organisations and helplines are if you or someone close to you have lost someone and feel in need of help, support or someone to talk to.
Losing a child for whatever reason is probably one of the most traumatic experiences possible,and many people need a lot of help and support to get through their grief. Help available here.
Details of organsiations that can help
Violence can take several forms, including verbal and mental abuse, but when it turns physical from someone close to you, it can be a really dangerous situation. This can happen to men or women, though it's more likely to affect women.
Various resources and support to deal with prejudice or hatred on the grounds of race, religion, gender or disability and other extreme views.
Help and support to those living with the condition, their families and carers.
The information here is for those who are either directly or indirectly affected by problematic use of alcohol or drugs, including families and carers.
Help for those living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Help and support after if you suspect that you or someone you know may have a problem with gambling.
Help and support if you're having problems conceiving, including details about treatments such as IVF.
Help and support for young people and adults on how to keep safe online.
Advice and details of organizations that can help you cut down on your drinking.
Help and support. Details of several phone numbers for immediate help.
Useful resources to help with your mental health.
Cancer is something that the majority of us will come across at some point in our lives. Help and support .
Help and resources if you live with epilepsy.
Resources which can help people - men, women, children and young people - who have been victims of violence or wish to report violent or sexual crime of any sort, including sexual exploitation.
More information and sources of support to be found here.
Information and support.
Details of support if you've been affected by a car accident.
Help and support around different types of eating disorders, especially if you think it might be affecting either your life or someone close to you.
Loneliness and isolation can be common feelings, for all ages. Resources here that explain the difference between types of loneliness and feeling isolated, as well as further details of support resources.
Information and support
Help and support for depression.
Help and support.
Resources and support for people who farm or live in the countryside.
Resources and support for LGBQT+ communities
If you have questions about your own sexuality and would like to find some support or further sources of help, then you've come to the right place. Also, information about how to deal with homophobia.
Help and support around gender identity issues.
Stalking can be thought of as the willful and repeated following, watching and harassing of another person. These are usually a series of actions that occur over a period of time, that can cause distress to the person who is being harassed.
More support and information on our page.
Postnatal depression affects new mothers, typically appearing within the first year after childbirth, causing emotional struggles and difficulty bonding with the baby.
Information and support if living with PTSD.
There are many organisations in Wales and beyond involved in making sure that people with disabilities are given every chance to live full, independent lives. Information and support here on living life to the full with a disability.
Information and support if a baby is born prematurely.
Most people feel anxious from time to time, but information and support here if it interferes with your day-to-day activities.
There are many types of surgery used to treat conditions that can affect any part of the body, so support will vary according to the operation. Here are some resources which may help support your recovery.
Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is an eating disorder. Help and details here.
Thousands of people care for others across Wales. Details of organizations and charities to support them can be found here.
Anti-racist help and resources.
Spiking a drink means to put alcohol or drugs into someone's drink without their knowledge or permission, to incapacitate them in some way. This is dangerous and totally illegal.
Bullying happens to all kinds of people and for all kinds of reasons, regardless of age. It can happen at school, in the workplace and at home. Information and support .
Details of where to get more help and support after a heart attack.
Advice and support for people who have had a stroke or live with the side effects of the condition.
Fostering is giving a child a home for a period of time, whereas adoption is when a child is given a new, permanent home with a family. The child has to be under 18 years old and in a situation where going back to the birth parents is not possible. Information and support here.
Details of support if you're facing hardship.
Sources of information and support for young people, on a range of issues.
Organisations that offer support to those with severe sight loss, and which offer independence and a better life for those living with this problem.
Help and support for the most common cancer found in men.
Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease that affects about 6,000 people in Wales. More information and support to be found here.
Help and support about choices around pregnancy.
Every year, people lose their lives in accidents off either the coastal or inland waters of Wales. Detial here of how to stay safe on the water.
There are thousands of people living with neurological conditions in Wales, and here you will find information about several organizations or charities that offer support.
A disease that causes progressive weakness in many body muscles. More information and support here.
Support and further information for those who live with Tourette's Syndrome.
Details of organisations who offer healp and support to refugees and asylum seekers in Wales.
Information and support about sexual health.
Help and support if you struggle with your self-image.
Testicular cancer affects mainly young to middle aged men, but if caught early enough you have a very high chance of survival. Help and support.
Dystonia is a common neurological condition. Support and information here.
In these difficult times, details of support for those who may have lost someone close.
Additional resources for the pandemic period.
Practical, day-to-day suggestions about what to do in this situation.
Living in a family isn't always easy. Relationships can be strained, and sometimes help is needed to find a way through periods of stress or upsetting events and difficult feelings.
Having a child by agreement with a surrogate mother is legal in the UK, but it is not possible to enforce such a settlement by law. More information on support is available through these links.
The current situation with COVID 19 pandemic is bringing the issue of loneliness and social isolation to the fore, as people of all ages express concerns about self-isolation. Suggestions on how to think about this situation and details of further support.
Practical, day-to-day suggestions about what to do in this situation.
Some help and advice for you if someone you know is in hospital during this period.
Information and advice about how to give a dog a new home.
Information practical advice about the virus. There will be more pages to help you over the coming days.
Support if you or someone you know have had to deal with any form of racism.
Here are some resources which may be of use to people who are living with deafness in their lives.
Help and support for maintaining kidney health.
Information and support if you live with dyslexia, a type of learning difficulty.
Help and support for those living with autism or aspergers.
More information about organ donation in Wales.
In Wales, breast cancer is the most common cancer for women, mainly women over fifty. However, once found, the chance of surviving this cancer are high and are increasing every year. Help and support available here.
Here are some sources of support and help if you're trying to cope with migraines.
Help and support if you're living with skin conditions, including acne and psoriasis.
Information and support about a range of inheritable genetic conditions.
Resources to to help and support ageing well in Wales.
Information and help with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME).
Information about how to keep yourself safe from common scams.
Information about organisations which have a broad humanitarian focus.
Diabetes is a chronic condition caused by the body's inability to process sugar, or glucose, in the blood. Information and support.
Details of organsiations that can help if you're living with a learning disability.
Help and support for those living with allergies.
Crohn's Disease and Colitis are two forms of irritable bowel disease (IBD). More help and support available here.
Social anxiety disorder, which is often called social phobia, can be a long-lasting and overwhelming fear of social situations.
Information and support for this condition, linked to tonight's Hansh.
Help and support with bipolar affective disorder.
Help and support available from some of the organisations here.
Help and support for people living with OCD.
Losing you hair sometimes happens unexpectedly and can be a traumatic and emotional experience. Resources to help you with this.
Cystic fibrosis is one of the most common genetic disorders in the UK, affecting many thousands of babies, children and young people.Support for O'r Galon: Stori Allison
Ankylosing Spondylitis is a particular arthritic condition which mainly affects young men, though it can also be found in women and older people. It is thought to have a strong genetic link.Support for O'r galon: Tudur Philips
If you need some more help or advice, or want to hear about people the same age as you going through similar experience, some of the sites listed below might be of help.
S4C programmes cover various subjects. These help pages contain up-to-date support material including telephone helplines, recorded information services and any other relevant help for some of the channel's programmes.
It should be noted that these are not S4C's helplines or recorded information services, and the user is responsible for any costs associated with these services. The cost of calls from a mobile will depend on your provider. S4C is not responsible for the content of any third party websites referred to in these pages.
We are constantly updating these pages with information about services and organizations that may be of help to you.