


Fostering and adoption

Fostering is giving a child a home for a period of time, whereas adoption is when a child is given a new, permanent home with a family. The child has to be under 18 years old and in a situation where going back to the birth parents is not possible.

  • British Association for Adoption and Fostering

    One of the main organisations which looks after every aspect of fostering and adopting children, it ensures that high standards and good training is available for all who are part of the process. They also give advice about tracing family members. They have two offices in Wales in Cardiff and Rhyl.


  • Fostering Network Wales

    The Fostering Network Wales includes most individual foster carers in Wales, all the local authorities and all the major independent fostering providers. www.thefosteringnetwork.org.uk

  • Family Rights Group

    Website, helpline and forums with comprehensive expert advice to help make sure children can thrive within their families and communities.

    0808 801 0366


  • PAC-UK

    A comprehensive service offering a range of support to everyone on the journey of fostering or adoption, including the birth parents.

    020 7284 5879


  • Barnado's Cymru

    With over 100 services across Wales, including fostering and adoption, Barnardo's Cymru is an established agency that looks after the interests of children in all kinds of situations, including when children are having to care for others.


  • TACT Cymru

    With over 550 families fostering in Wales, it is one of the agencies that offers the most opportunities and supports fostering across the country.


  • Relative connections

    An agency that can help with tracing birth parents.

    0113 292 5900


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