

Important information - Changes and updates to S4C's online contents delivery system (PAC)

On Wednesday 19/6 we launched updates to the S4C PAC online system - https://pac.s4c.cymru/

These include several enhancements to the user's experience and improvements to functionality as noted below

On-Line Help.

The on-line help system has been completely rewritten and should now provide a comprehensive reference for system users. It can be accessed using the link in the top right corner (this will take users to the homepage of the on-line help). However, on most forms if you click in the form/screen itself and press F1, the system will attempt to take you to help, related to the page you are on.

Music Cuesheets

The music cuesheet editor has undergone some substantial changes. All changes are stored locally on your browser meaning it's quicker to use and if you inadvertently navigate away from the page the changes you've made to that cuesheet are still there waiting to be saved. If you go to another cuesheet you'll be told this and given the chance to go and save them. The biggest change though is when you are working on a series. You can now define 'templates' for the series. Essentially you can provide template information about a song, the theme tune for example, and then when editing the cuesheet for an episode this can be imported and saved with a couple of clicks. If you need to adjust it in anyway before saving you can just as though you had entered all that information manually.

Password Reset Function

As a result of the improved password security, we can no longer recover an existing password, but we have provided the facility for you to reset your own password should you need to. Passwords are also now case sensitive, so when the new version goes on-line you may find yourself unable to login simply because you can't quite remember whether a particular letter in your password is an uppercase or not. The password reset function will send you an email with a verification code in it, so it may be worth checking with the company you are working for whether the email address they have on your user record is correct (this is the same for employees and freelancers).

We hope the changes improve your experience of using PAC – thanks to all involved for their work in upgrading it and to you the users for your valued feedback.

Any queries please contact:mb@s4c.cymru


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