Gwartheg Biff - Parau Benyw y Dyfodol | Females of the Future Beef Pairs
Gwartheg - Trinwyr ifanc dros 18 | Young Cattle Handlers over 18
Pencampwriaeth Teirw Ifanc | Junior Bull Championship
Trinwyr Ifanc Biff (dan 18) | Beef Young Handlers Under 18
Pencampwriaeth Parau Godro | Dairy Pairs Championship
Pencampwriaeth Heffer Odro | Dairy Heifer Championship
Pencampwriaeth Tîm o 3 Godro | Dairy Team Of 3 Championship
Pencampwriaeth Buwch Odro | Dairy Cow Champioship
Parau Godro wedi Magu gan y Dangosydd | Homebred Dairy Pairs
Parau'r Dyfodol - Gwartheg Godro | Future Dairy Pairs
Prif Bencampwriaeth Holstein | Hostein Supreme Championship
Pencampwriaeth hŷn Gwartheg Jersey | Jersey Senior Championship
Gwartheg Jersey - 3ydd Llo | Jersey Cow - 3rd Calf
Pencampwriaeth Gwartheg Holstein | Holstein Championship
Pencampwriaeth Gwartheg Jersey | Jersey Championship
Gwartheg Pol Coch - Tarw Ifanc | Red Pol Cattle - Junior Bull
Pencampwriaeth Biff Unigol | Individual Beef Championship
Pencampwriaeth Gwrywaidd Gwartheg Pol Coch | Red Pol Male Cattle Championship
Prif Bencampwriaeth Gwartheg Pol Coch | Red Poll Cattle Championship
Pencampwriaeth Heffer Gwartheg Limousin |Limousin Cattle Heifer Championship
Pencampwriaeth Gwartheg Duon Cymreig | Welsh Black Cattle Championship
Pencampwriaeth Gwartheg Limousin | Limousin Cattle Championship
Teirw Ifanc Du Cymreig | Welsh Black Junior Bulls
Gwartheg Duon Cymreig - Heffer Hŷn | Welsh Black Cattle Heifer
Pencampwriaeth Gwartheg Henffordd Ifanc | Junior Hereford Cattle Championship
Pencampwriaeth Gwartheg Charolais | Charolais Cattle Championship
Penvampwriaeth Gwartheg Henffordd | Hereford Cattle Championship
Noddir Y Sioe 2023 gan Glynllifon - Coleg Meirion Dwyfor.