

Y Ffair Aeaf

Adran y Defaid

  • play Prif Bencampwriaeth y Defaid | Supreme Sheep Championship

    Prif Bencampwriaeth y Defaid | Supreme Sheep Championship

    Prif Bencampwriaeth y Defaid | Supreme Sheep Championship

  • play Ocsiwn y Defaid Buddugol | Sheep Champion Auction

    Ocsiwn y Defaid Buddugol | Sheep Champion Auction

    Ocsiwn y Defaid Buddugol | Sheep Champion Auction

  • play Pencampwriaeth Defaid Pur Iseldir | Pure Lowland Sheep Championship

    Pencampwriaeth Defaid Pur Iseldir | Pure Lowland Sheep Championship

    Pencampwriaeth Defaid Pur Iseldir | Pure Lowland Sheep Championship

  • play Pencampwriaeth Defaid Mynydd Cymreig | Welsh Mountain Sheep Championship

    Pencampwriaeth Defaid Mynydd Cymreig | Welsh Mountain Sheep Championship

    Pencampwriaeth Defaid Mynydd Cymreig | Welsh Mountain Sheep Championship

  • play Ocsiwn y Neuadd Garcas | Carcass Hall Auction

    Ocsiwn y Neuadd Garcas | Carcass Hall Auction

    Ocsiwn y Neuadd Garcas | Carcass Hall Auction

  • play Pencampwriaeth Defaid Cyfandirol | Continental Sheep Breed Championship

    Pencampwriaeth Defaid Cyfandirol | Continental Sheep Breed Championship

    Pencampwriaeth Defaid Cyfandirol | Continental Sheep Breed Championship

  • play Pencampwriaeth Pwysau'r Cigydd | Sheep Butcher's Weight Championship

    Pencampwriaeth Pwysau'r Cigydd | Sheep Butcher's Weight Championship

    Pencampwriaeth Pwysau'r Cigydd | Sheep Butcher's Weight Championship

  • play Pencampwriaeth Defaid Croesfrid | Interbreed Sheep Championship

    Pencampwriaeth Defaid Croesfrid | Interbreed Sheep Championship

    Pencampwriaeth Defaid Croesfrid | Interbreed Sheep Championship

  • play Pencampwriaeth Defaid Mynydd ac Ucheldir Pur | Upland and Hill Sheep Championship

    Pencampwriaeth Defaid Mynydd ac Ucheldir Pur | Upland and Hill Sheep Championship

    Pencampwriaeth Defaid Mynydd ac Ucheldir Pur | Upland and Hill Sheep Championship

  • play Cystadleuaeth Carcas Oen | Lamb Carcass Competitions

    Cystadleuaeth Carcas Oen | Lamb Carcass Competitions

    Cystadleuaeth Carcas Oen | Lamb Carcass Competitions

  • play Defaid - Pwysau'r Cigydd | Butcher's weight Competition

    Defaid - Pwysau'r Cigydd | Butcher's weight Competition

    Defaid - Pwysau'r Cigydd | Butcher's weight Competition

  • play Defaid Duon Cymreig | Welsh Black Sheep

    Defaid Duon Cymreig | Welsh Black Sheep

    Defaid Duon Cymreig | Welsh Black Sheep

  • play Defaid Smotiog Iseldiroedd | Dutch Speckled Sheep

    Defaid Smotiog Iseldiroedd | Dutch Speckled Sheep

    Defaid Smotiog Iseldiroedd | Dutch Speckled Sheep

  • play Defaid Croes-frid | Interbreed Sheep

    Defaid Croes-frid | Interbreed Sheep

    Defaid Croes-frid | Interbreed Sheep

  • play Defaid Miwl Cymreig | Welsh Mule Sheep

    Defaid Miwl Cymreig | Welsh Mule Sheep

    Defaid Miwl Cymreig | Welsh Mule Sheep

  • play Defaid Biwla | Beulah Sheep

    Defaid Biwla | Beulah Sheep

    Defaid Biwla | Beulah Sheep

  • play Defaid Texel Glas| Dutch Blue Texel Sheep

    Defaid Texel Glas| Dutch Blue Texel Sheep

    Defaid Texel Glas| Dutch Blue Texel Sheep

  • play Defaid Texel Iseldiroedd | Dutch Texe lSheep

    Defaid Texel Iseldiroedd | Dutch Texe lSheep

    Defaid Texel Iseldiroedd | Dutch Texe lSheep

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